Omega O3 Shower water purifier The Only electric shower water purifier on the Market! The Shower Filter has a unique two-stage filter process for the healthiest shower water possible.
Stage 1 removes and enhances pH balance with a natural copper/zinc mineral media called KDF-55D. The second filtration stage uses a carbonized coconut shell medium for the removal of synthetic chemicals, THMs and VOCsthat vaporize from tap water and are inhaled or absorbed through the skin, potentially causing adverse health and cosmetic effects.
Anyone who has ever swum in a chlorinated pool knows how chlorine robs moisture from your skin and hair. What most people don't realize is that typically there is as much or more chlorine in tap water as there is in most swimming pools. Chlorine strips the natural protective oils from skin and hair, causing excess dryness. Without the harsh effects of chlorine you'll notice significant cosmetic benefits ... softer skin and hair in a week.
Also, by removing chlorine and other chemicals found in tap water, now known to be a significant source of exposure to harmful VOCs and THMs you eliminate health risks related to inhalation and skin absorption of these chemicals. Your shower water will feel better, and will be better for you!
Retail for $179.50 plus $12.50 S&H Now Only $89.50 plus FREE Shipping Ordering options: 1. Use your check or money order and receive an extra year warranty ($29.50 value) OR
2. Use your credit or debit card. You do not need to have a PayPal account, just select "Don't have a PayPal account" under the Choose a way to pay section after you clicked the Buy Now bottom below!
Products are shipped directly from our Omega warehouse in Connecticut! Order Online 24/7 to get the Discounted Shipping! 121 N Plains Industrial Rd Wallingford, CT 06492Air and Water Purification and Cleaning Systems: Omega 7000 ozone Air and water purifier with Negative Ion Omega 08 Air & Water Ozonator OZ 300 Ozone Generator Heavy-duty Ozone Generator |